Our goal is to work with you to become your best self.
Adult Therapy
Counseling is a collaborative effort between the counselor and client. Our job is to help you identify goals and potential solutions to problems which cause emotional turmoil; seek to improve communication and coping skills; strengthen self-esteem; and promote behavior change and optimal mental health.
50 mins | online & in-person
Child Therapy
Similar to adult therapy, counseling with children is a collaborative effort between caregivers, the child, and the counselor. Our job is to help parents or their children identify goals and potential solutions to behavioral or emotional problems at home or in the community. Sessions take place with the caregivers on their own, as a group with the child, and between the child and counselor.
45 mins | online (12y.o. & up) & in-person
Co-Parent Coaching
This service is for families going through a divorce with children, or those already divorced with children living in two homes. Counselors will meet with each parent individually or together, spend time working with the child(ren) and provide feedback for parents on how to improve the dynamics between homes.
45 mins | online (12y.o. & up) & in-person